All classes will be taught by instructors with a master’s degree in music. These instructors had taught at classes of the Centralised Scheme
(CS) or Schools Collaboration Scheme (SCS) before, and they obtained rich experiences in teaching advanced music courses at both local and overseas secondary schools and tertiary
institutions. Instead of having one instructor responsible for the whole academic year, specialists will be teaching different topics of advanced music studies. Here are our
core instructors:
Lo Kai Yin, Eric
B. A. (Music), CUHK; M. A. (Music Theory), McGill; Ph. D. (Music
Theory), UMN
Lecturer at University of Minnesota (Twin Cities)
Teaching Assistant at University of Minnesota, McGill University, and
Research Assistant at CUHK
Recipient of Oberg Graduate Music Award, Hong Kong PhD Fellowship, Schulich
Scholarship, Yamaha Music Scholarship, Parson’s Music Scholarship, Sir Edward Youde Memorial Scholarship, and Chung Chi Early Admission Scheme Scholarship
Wan Yu Ying,
Karen 温雨盈
B. Ed. in Secondary Education (Music), EdUHK; M. A. in Music, CUHK
HKDSE Music Teacher of the Arts and Technology Education Centre
Music Teacher of Law Ting Pong Secondary School
Research Assistant, HKIEd
Officer of the Outreach Activities of the Centralised Scheme (CS) of Music
Officer of the Outreach Activities of the School Collaboration Scheme (SCS) of
Music Training
Tutor of the Centralised Scheme (CS) of Music Training
Piano, Dizi, Vocal and Theory Instructor
Fung Kai Sze ,Jessica
B.A. (Music); M.A. (Music), CUHK; M. Mus. (Performance),
Music Scholarship, Hong Kong Jockey Club Music and Dance Fund
Creative Professional Practice Award, HKAPA
Yam and Pak Scholarship for Chinese Opera, CUHK
Ng Tai-kong Memorial Scholarship, CUHK
Kong Yu-kau Memorial Scholarship, CUHK
Part-time Lecturer, Caritas Bianchi College of Careers
Artist and Co-founder of the band TroVessional
Curator of the project Cantonese Music Lab
Dizi and Xiao Instructor
Luk Wai Chun
B.A.(Music), M.Mus. (Music Composition), D.Mus.
(Music Composition), CUHK; LTCL
Composition Instructor of the School of Continuing and Professional Studies,
Visiting scholar of University of South Florida
Teaching Assistant of Music Department, CUHK
Awardee of Music Scholarship (Local Studies) 2019/20, Hong Kong Jockey Club
Dance and Music Fund
Composer, Arranger, and Violinist
Wong Yat Wai
Joseph 黃逸偉
B. A. (Music); M. Mus. (Composition), CUHK; Ph.
D. (Music), University of York, UK
Instructor (Music Theory, 2003-06), School of Continuing Education,
Nicola LeFanu Composition Prize (2009), University of York, UK
Tutor (2011-12), Schools Collaboration Scheme of Musical Training for Senior
Secondary School Students
Adjunct Assistant Professor (Music Analysis, 2013), CUHK
Lecturer (Popular Music, 2013-19), LiPACE, HKMU
Instructor (Computer Music & Digital Audio, 2020 onwards), College of
Professional & Continuing Education, PolyU HK
Composition Tutor (2021), Wan Chai District School Network - Senior Secondary
Music Partnership Programme
Composition Mentor (2021), Hong Kong Composers’ Guide Mentorship Scheme
Instructor (Digital Music Technology, 2022), School of Continuing &
Professional Studies, CUHK
Composer, Arranger, Music Educator, and Choral