Title: In-School Programme for HKDSE Music Curriculum (2023-2026)
Abbreviation: ISP (2024-2027)
Timeline: September 2024 – May 2027
Duration: 3 academic years, 6 semesters in total
Content: HKDSE music curriculum (Form 4 – 6)
Target Participants: Prospect Form 4 students who will sit for the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) Music Examination in 2027
Remarks: Proposal will be delivered upon request
In this program, areas of coursework include general musicianship, listening, theory, composition, western music history, Cantonese opera, Chinese music, and popular music, so that students will be well-equipped for the HKDSE Music Examination.
The program mainly covers topics in Paper 1 (Listening) and Paper 3 (Creating I) of the HKDSE music syllabus. The school will be responsible for the student’s application of the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education in music. Once the student is accepted in the program, the school is expected to give individual training to the student, or find other resources for preparation of the elective paper (Papers 4A, 4B, or 4C) at the HKDSE in music. In case students need guidance and comments for the elective paper, additional private lessons will be provided upon request.
At the end of each semester in Form 4 and Form 5, there will be occasional quizzes and one examination. In Form 6, there will be a mock examination. After each examination, a report will be sent to individual students and schools. Instructors will give comments on students’ learning progress and suggest ways of improvement. In addition to regular classes and examinations, there will be inter-school activities to put knowledge into practice, such as performance competitions and composition workshops. Students are also encouraged to join public competitions and concerts in Hong Kong, for example, Schools Music Festival and New Generation Concert.
Applications for English or Chinese Paper are welcomed
If you are interested in our Programmes, please contact the Institute for the programme proposal.
有關課程的詳細內容,請我們聯絡 ihksssme@gmail.com