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2024 HKDSE Music Examination Results

Hearty congratulations to the following students who received excellent results in the HKDSE 2024 Music Examination.



Chan Cheuk Sum Jayden (La Salle College)

Ng Marcus (La Salle College)

Ng Sum Yin (Diocesan Girls’ School)



Chan Yu Fei, Matthew (Bishop Hall Jubilee School) 

Chen Yufei (La Salle College)

Cheng Wan Sin (Maryknoll Convent School (Secondary Section))

Choi King Him (La Salle College)

Hau Timothy (HKUGA College)

Yam Chun Hei (Baptist Lui Ming Choi Secondary School)

Yau Ching Ho (Diocesan Boys’ School)


Well Done!

In-School Programme for HKDSE Music Curriculum (2024-2027)

The In-School Programme for HKDSE Music Curriculum (2024-2027) is now open for application.


The application deadline is 12 July, 2024 (Friday).


Late application will be accepted. Please contact us for more information.

Application Form - ISP-2024-2027.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 275.5 KB


本學院現舉辦文憑試音樂科精讀課程,誠邀 貴校或正在修讀香港文憑考試音樂科的同學,以及有志於預備選修香港文憑考試音樂科的同學參與。詳情如下:


上課地點:      所有課程以網上形式  授課


報名方法:      有意報名的同學請填妥以下報名表格,我們會盡快回覆。




Adobe Acrobat Document 175.5 KB


2023 HKDSE Music Examination Results

Hearty congratulations to the following students who received excellent results in the HKDSE 2023 Music Examination.



Kwok Sheung Yu Jamie (Maryknoll Convent School (Secondary Section))

Li Ying Lok Wyatt (Ho Fung College (Sponsored by Sik Sik Yuen))

Tse Chun Yin (La Salle College)

Yu Ching Yin Matthew (Diocesan Boys' School)



Chan Ka Yee Chloe (Diocesan Girls' School)

Chan Tsz Yin Raphael (La Salle College)

Chen Taowen (Ho Fung College (Sponsored by Sik Sik Yuen))

Leung Man Him (Diocesan Boys' School)

Tsui Hei Wun Agnes (Holy Family Canossian College)

Yung Tsz Yuet Daniel (S. K. H. Tsang Shiu Tim Secondary School)


Well Done!

In-School Programme for HKDSE Music Curriculum (2023-2026)

The In-School Programme for HKDSE Music Curriculum (2023-2026) is now open for application.


The application deadline is 14 July, 2023 (Friday).

Application Form - ISP-2023-2026.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 610.8 KB

2022 HKDSE Music Examination Results

Hearty congratulations to the following students who received excellent results in the HKDSE 2022 Music Examination.



Ng Hoi Yin (Diocesan Girls' School)

Wong Tsz Chun Jason (Diocesan Boys' School)



Kwok Hoi Tsun (La Salle College)

Shimamura Akira (La Salle College)

So Hoi Ching Zoe (Diocesan Girls' School)

Suen Tsz Kit Albert (Pui Kiu College (Secondary Section))
Yau Cheuk Yin Kelly (
Pui Kiu College (Secondary Section))

Yeung Tsz Yin (Diocesan Boys' School)



Chiu Lok Ching Jasmine (Bishop Hall Jubilee School) 

Leung Ho Lam Ryan (La Salle College)

Li Chun Hong (La Salle College)

Tan Jing Yee (HKUGA College)

Tong Pun Kiu (Diocesan Boys' School)
Tsui Tsz Wai Jeanne (S. K. H. Bishop Mok Sau Tseng Secondary School)

Wong Tin Nan Tina (Maryknoll Convent School (Secondary Section))


Well Done!

In-School Programme for HKDSE Music Curriculum (2022-2025)

The In-School Programme for HKDSE Music Curriculum (2022-2025) is now open for application.


Applications for Chinese Paper are welcomed







The application deadline is 15 July 2022 (Friday).

Application Form - ISP-2022-2025.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 608.9 KB

2021 HKDSE Music Examination Results

Hearty congratulations to the following students who received excellent results in the HKDSE 2021 Music Examination.



Yeung Tsoi Yi Cherry (S. K. H. Tsang Shiu Tim Secondary School)



Tang Yuk Ting Rosella (Pui Kiu College (Secondary Section))


Well Done!


本學院將於2020年7月開辦暑期課程,誠邀 貴校或正在修讀香港文憑考試音樂科的同學,以及有志於預備選修香港文憑考試音樂科的同學參與。詳情如下:


上課地點:      因應疫情及教育局準則,本年度之暑期課程將會以網上形式  授課


報名方法:      暑期課程日期及時間待定,有意報名的同學請與我們聯絡

                               *如報讀【創作進階班】,請將所需呈交的音樂作品及樂譜 (PDF 格式),電郵至ihksssme@gmail.com梁小姐





The In-School Programme for HKDSE Music Curriculum (2021-2024) is now open for application.


Applications for Chinese Paper are welcomed







The application deadline is 23 July 2021 (Friday).

Application Form - ISP-2021 - 2024.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 337.6 KB

2020 HKDSE Music Examination Results

Hearty congratulations to the following students who received excellent results in the HKDSE 2020 Music Examination.


Chow King Ngai
 (La Salle College)



Chan Hoi Lam (La Salle College)

Chong Jane (Diocesan Girls' School)

Ma Tsun Sum Jason (Ho Fung College (Sponsored by Sik Sik Yuen)

Yip Lam Lam Lamgie (Maryknoll Convent School (Secondary Section))



Fung Check Yan (C. C. C. Mong Man Wai College)
Lam Sze Hin (C. N. E. C. Christian College)

Leung Hoi Ching Bebe (Maryknoll Convent School (Secondary Section))

Tong Wang Him Benjamin (La Salle College)

Wong Tsz Yan Diva (Diocesan Girls' School)


Well done!


本學院將於2020年7月開辦暑期課程,誠邀 貴校或正在修讀香港文憑考試音樂科的同學,以及有志於預備選修香港文憑考試音樂科的同學參與。詳情如下:


上課地點:      因應疫情及教育局準則,本年度之暑期課程將會以網上形式  授課


報名方法:       [因應目前疫情關係,現接受電郵遞交報名表格,詳情請向本學院查詢] 

                           敬請學校音樂老師或生自行填寫報名表格 (表格可複印) ,連同所需的     入讀要求證明副 本,以及劃線支票抬頭 「香港高中音樂學院」,郵寄至「P.O. Box 756, Shatin Central Post Office, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong.

如報讀【創作進階班】,請將所需呈交的音樂作品及樂譜 (PDF 格式),電郵至ihksssme@gmail.com梁小姐








Adobe Acrobat Document 562.5 KB

The In-School Programme for HKDSE Music Curriculum (2020-2023) is now open for application.


Applications for Chinese Paper are welcomed







The application deadline is 31 July 2020 (Friday).

Application Form - ISP-2020-2023.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 162.7 KB


本學院於2011年成立,於九龍、沙田及葵涌設有聯校校網,開設香港中學文憑試音樂科課程。為使應屆考生熟習公開考試形式,學院自2015年舉辦第一屆模擬考試,反應熱烈。今年學院再次舉辦中六音樂科模擬考試,誠邀 貴校應屆考生及正在修讀高中音樂科的同學參與。是次模擬試由資深導師設題、解說及評閱,詳情如下:

日期:   20201 31 (星期五)

時間:   11:30 a.m. - 2:30p.m.模擬考試2:30 p.m. - 3:00p.m.答題解說

地點:    香港音樂專科學校

費用:    $500 (考卷由專科導師評閱,並於考試後10 個工作天以本地平郵寄回)

報名方法:學校音樂老師或考生自行填寫報名表格(表格可複印) ,並連同銀行入數證明,

                  電郵至 ihksssme@gmail.com梁小姐




本學院將於2020124 (星期五) 以電郵形式通知考生有關考試之安排。



** 如有社會活動而需要取消當天的模擬考試,本學院會將之延期並另日舉行。

香港高中音樂學院音樂模擬考試邀請信 2020.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 292.5 KB

2019 HKDSE Music Examination Results

Hearty congratulations to the following students who received excellent results in the HKDSE 2019 Music Examination.



Hui Tin Ho (Diocesan Boys' School)



Chan Tsz Him (Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Kap Yan Directors' College)

Man Pak Yan  (Diocesan Girls' School)



Chan Chi Lam (Pui Kiu College (Secondary Section))

Chan Sin Yi Rinis (Pui Kiu College (Secondary Section))

Gianna Lam (Maryknoll Convent School (Secondary Section))

Lam Hei Yuet (Po On Commercial Association Wong Siu Ching Secondary School)

Ng Tsz Hang Victoria (Diocesan Girls' School)

So Chuen On (Sha Tin Methodist College)



It is a great pleasure to announce that all of our students achieved Level 4 or above in the HKDSE 2019 Music Examination.


Well done!


本學院將於2019年7月開辦暑期課程,誠邀 貴校或正在修讀香港文憑考試音樂科的同學,以及有志於預備選修香港文憑考試音樂科的同學參與。詳情如下:


上課地點:      【所有卷一課程及基礎創作班

The Hong Kong Music Service and Consulting Centre

Unit 504, 5/F, The L. Plaza, 367-375 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong






報名方法:        敬請學校音樂老師或生自行填寫報名表格 (表格可複印) ,連同所需的     入讀要求證明副 本,以及劃線支票抬頭 「香港高中音樂學院」,郵寄至「P.O. Box 756, Shatin Central Post Office, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong.

如報讀【創作進階班】,請將所需呈交的音樂作品及樂譜 (PDF 格式),電郵至ihksssme@gmail.com梁小姐


截止日期:          201972 (星期二) (以郵寄之郵印為準)

如報名被接納,本學院將於201974 (星期四) 以電郵通知學生有關上課詳情及安排。






香港高中音樂學院暑期課程 2019.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 531.5 KB

The In-School Programme for HKDSE Music Curriculum (2019-2022) is now open for application.

The application deadline is 28 June 2019 (Friday).

Application Form - ISP 2019-2022.pdf
If school(s) / student(s) is / are applying for the In-School Programme, you are most welcomed to download this form in assisting your application.
Application Form - ISP-2019-2022.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 337.6 KB


本學院於2011年成立,於九龍、沙田及葵涌設有聯校校網,教授香港中學文憑試音樂科課程。為使應屆考生熟習公開考試形式,學院自2015年起舉辦模擬考試,反應熱烈。今年本學院將繼續舉辦中六音樂科模擬考試,誠邀 貴校應屆考生及正在修讀高中音樂科的同學參與。是次模擬試由資深導師設題、解說及評閱,詳情如下:

日期: 9 Feb 2019 (SAT)
時間: 1:30 - 4:30p.m. 模擬考試:4:30 - 5:00p.m. 答題解說
地點: 香港音樂專科學校
費用: $500 (考卷由專科導師評閱,並於考試後10 個工作天以本地平郵寄回)
報名方法: 學校音樂老師或考生自行填寫報名表格(表格可複印) ,並連同銀行入數證明,電郵至ihksssme@gmail.com 梁小姐

截止日期: 25 Jan 2019 (FRI)
香港高中音樂學院音樂模擬考試邀請信 2019.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 306.9 KB

本學院將於30 Jan 2019 (WED) 以電郵形式通知考生有關考試之安排。



Creating Master Class

Deadline of Paper II (Performing I: Ensemble) Master Class:

18th July, 2018 (Wednesday)


Deadline of Paper III (Creating I) Master Class:

Extends to 18th July, 2018 (Wednesday).


HKDSE 2018 Music Examination Results

Hearty congratulations to the following students who received excellent results in the HKDSE 2018 Music Examination:



Wong Tsz Hang Thomas 黃子衡 (La Salle College)    



Chong Man Jasmine 莊敏 (Diocesan Girls' School)

Lai Chi Yuen Pedro 黎子元 (La Salle College)

Law Lon Fon 羅朗寛 (La Salle College)

Ng Tin Long Jason 吳天朗 (La Salle College)

Ng Tsz Hin Kelvin 吳子軒 (La Salle College)

Tse Wan Hei Thomas 謝昀熹 (Pui Kiu College (Secondary Section))

Yung Ka Yin Karen 容嘉言 (Maryknoll Convent School (Secondary Section))    



Lam Cheuk Hang Peter 林卓恆 (La Salle College)

Lam Hoi Yan Michelle 林凱欣 (Buddhist Sin Tak College)            

Tsoi Celine 蔡思懿 (Maryknoll Secondary School (Secondary Section))

Wong Jennifer Man 黃渃茵 (Diocesan Girls' School)



Well done!

The Institute is organising two Master Classes in helping students have better preparation before the HKDSE Music Examination.


Paper II (Performing I: Ensemble):

Date: 25th July, 2018 (Wednesday)

Time: 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Venue: CR 1, Hong Kong Cultural Centre, 10 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon.


Paper III (Creating I):

Date: 25th July, 2018 (Wednesday)

Time: 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Venue: CR 1, Hong Kong Cultural Centre, 10 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon.


For application details, please refer to the following posters. 


Application deadlines:

Paper II (Performing I: Ensemble): 18th July, 2018 (Wednesday)

Paper III (Creating I): 18th July, 2018 (Wednesday)

香港中學文憑試音樂科卷二 (演奏I:合奏) 及卷三 (創作I) 大師班邀請信
25 July Application form.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 597.8 KB

為使老師、家長及學生了解課程特色及內容,今年本學院將舉辦香港中學文憑試音樂科課程簡介會,費用全免。誠邀 貴校音樂科老師、有興趣修讀高中音樂科的學生及學生家長出席。詳情如下:

日期: 2018年5月1日 (星期二)
時間: 上午10時30分至中午12時正
地點: 香港文化中心會議室AC1
費用: 免費
報名方法: 學校音樂老師或學生家長自行填寫報名表格(表格可複印) , 電郵至 ihksssme@gmail.com 溫小姐

本學院將於2018年4月29日 (星期日)以電郵形式通知有關安排。
如有任何問題,歡迎電郵至 ihksssme@gmail.com 查詢。
Adobe Acrobat Document 253.5 KB

The In-School Programme for HKDSE Music Curriculum (2018-2021) is now open for application.

The application deadline is 29 June 2018.

The Centre Programme for HKDSE Music Curriculum (2017-2020) is now open for application.
The application deadline is 31 July 2018.
本學院於2011年成立,於九龍、沙田及葵涌設有聯校校網,教授香港中學文憑試音樂科課程。為使應屆考生熟習公開考試形式,學院自2015年起舉辦模擬考試,反應熱烈。今年本學院將繼續舉辦中六音樂科模擬考試,誠邀 貴校應屆考生及正在修讀高中音樂科的同學參與。是次模擬試由資深導師設題、解說及評閱,詳情如下:

日期: 3 Feb 2018 (SAT)
時間: 2:00-5:00p.m. 模擬考試;5:00-5:30p.m.答題解說
地點: 香港音樂專科學校
費用: $500 (考卷由專科導師評閱,並於考試後10 個工作天以本地平郵寄回)
報名方法: 學校音樂老師或考生自行填寫報名表格(表格可複印) ,並連同銀行入數證明,電郵至ihksssme@gmail.com溫小姐

截止日期: 26Jan 2018 (FRI)
本學院將於29 Jan 2018
香港高中音樂學院音樂模擬考試邀請信 2018.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 241.4 KB

Hearty congratulations to the following students who received excellent results in the HKDSE 2017 Music examination:



Li Wai Tak Victor (La Salle College)



Li Tsz Nok Carlos (La Salle College)

Au Cheuk Yin (Diocesan Girls' School)

Chan King Hei(Diocesan Boys' School)


Well done!

The application deadline is 31 July 2017.

The In-School Programme for New Senior Secondary Music Curriculum (HKDSE Music) (2017-2020) is now open for application.

The application deadline is 30 June 2017.


日期: 4 Feb 2017 (SAT)
時間: 2:00 - 5:30p.m.
地點: 香港音樂專科學校
費用: $450 (考卷由專科導師評閱,並於考試後10 個工作天以本地平郵寄回)
截止日期: 31 Dec 2016 (SAT)
香港高中音樂學院音樂模擬考試邀請信 2017.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 196.3 KB

The In-School Programme for New Senior Secondary Music Curriculum (2016-2019) is now open for application.

The application deadline is 18 June 2016.

The Centre Programme for New Secondary Music Curriculum (2016-2019) is now open for application.

The application deadline is 31 July 2016.

本學院於2011年成立,於九龍及沙田設有聯校校網,開設香港中學文憑試音樂科課程 (http://ihksssme.jimdo.com/)。為應屆考生有更佳的試前準備、熟習公開考試形式,本學院現正舉辦中六音樂科模擬考試,現誠邀 貴校應屆考生參與。是次摸擬試由資深導師設題、解說及評閱,詳情如下:

日期: 6 Feb 2016 (星期六)
時間: 2:00-5:00p.m. 模擬考試;5:00-6:00p.m. 答題解說
地點: 香港音樂專科學校
香港高中音樂學院音樂模擬考試申請表 2016.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 161.6 KB

Hearty congratulations to the following students who received excellent results in the HKDSE 2015 Music examination:

Ho Jabril Yin Hang (Diocesan Boys' School)
Ip Cheng Xin (La Salle College)
Mak Shing To Hugo (La Salle College) 

Wu Kwan Yu Tyson (La Salle College)
Yeung Kei Tsun Adriel (La Salle College)

Well done!

本學院於2011年成立,於九龍及沙田設有聯校校網,開設香港中學文憑試音樂科課程 (http://ihksssme.jimdo.com/)。為應屆考生有更佳的試前準備、熟習公開考試形式,本學院現正舉辦中六音樂科模擬考試,現誠邀 貴校應屆考生參與。是次摸擬試由資深導師設題、解說及評閱,詳情如下:

日期: 13 / 3 / 2015 (FRI)
時間: 1:00-4:00p.m. 模擬考試;4:00-5:00p.m. 答題解說
地點: 待定
Adobe Acrobat Document 306.4 KB

Congratulations!! A student's work "八月夜曲" has been selected by the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra to be premiered on 31 Jan 2015 (Sat).

For details, please refer to the following link: http://www.hkco.org/ActivityDetail.aspx?ractivity=0&ainfo=436&lang=C